Control Flow in Swift

Posted on 17 May, 2018 in Swift

Hello there,

This content is about control flow in swift.

If - Else

If-else statement allows us to use conditional statements in Swift.

let constantTen = 10
if(constantTen == 10){
  print("Oh, I know. It is 10") // print function allows us to print to console.
  print("I am not quite sure about that number")
// As you can image, it will print "Oh, I know. It is 10" to console.

For loop

For loop in Swift allows us to go through each element in an array.

let constantIntegerArray = [1,2,3,4] // Index starts from 0.
for element in constantIntegerArray {
  print(element) // prints each element to the console.
// But I want to know the index of that element. The next example is just for you. The following loop acts as the loop in C++.

let arraySize = constantIntegerArray.count // count gives us the size of the array.
for index in 0..<arraySize { // "n..<m" is from n to m-1. "n...m" is from n to m.
  print("\(index) - \(constantIntegerArray[index])") // \() allows us to break the string. Hence it allows us to write swift code inside of \()

While loop

While loop in Swift allows us to run code blocks until the condition in while does not check.

let constantIntegerArray = [1,2,3,4,5]
var counter = 0
while counter < constantIntegerArray.count {
  print(constantIntegerArray[counter]) // prints each element to the console.
  counter += 1 // Do not forget to increment the counter. If we do not increment it, this while loop goes to infinity

Some exercises

This exercise is taken from here. You can find more code examples in that repository, that I have covered in the iOS lecture.

  1. Print all numbers from 1 to 500, that is divisible by both 3 and 5.
  2. Print the number of decimal digits in an unsigned integer. For example, 9 has 1 digits. 123123 has 6 digits.

We will solve those question. However, I highly recommend you to solve the question first. Instead of looking the solutions first.



// Defining the integer
let constantInteger = 500

// Looping through from 1 to 500
for i in 1...500{

  // Checking if the number is divisible by both 3 and 5
  if(i%3 == 0 && i%5 == 0){



// Defining the integer
let constantInteger = 1000

let stringVersionOfInteger = String(constantInteger) // This line changes integer to string. 0 -> "0", 100 -> "100"

print("\(stringVersionOfInteger.count)") // Printing the size of the integer string. "10" gives us 2. "1" gives us 1.